Saturday, September 15, 2007

Intro to Advertising Class Post: #1 - Mini Analaysis on ad of our choice.

Commercial(s) Chosen: some of the MAC (Apple) vs PC Commercials:

Likes &/ or Dislikes:

I like the fact that these commercials supply some information about their products and their compeitors products. They still have "emoional" ties involved for the consumer. A majority of people are PC owners or are atleast more exposed to them then they are to macs, so the ads hold some humor to them.

1 * E.I. PC owners are awear of the PC guys incapabilities and other issues... from the "networking capabilities,
system failures n overlaods, to spywear and virus problems... etc..
where as Mac owners really don't have these problems.

2 * E.I. The commercial dealing with the PC's cord having being tripped over causing it to fal off the desk n get "beat up"- being a blonde, i suppose i'm aloud to admit that thats happened... n with the macs, they attatch megnetically to their power source

Effectiveness of Ad:

i think they're effective, both my brother and i bought one. (oh.. ps: we got a free h printer & i-pod with it too since we're students... nice lil' extra bribes/gifts to boost sales) =)

Soft or Hard Sale:

Soft Sale - i think. because its not listing EVERY feature "straight forward" but they're still informing the consumer on what they do n what they're best for/with.

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