Friday, September 21, 2007

Bergenbier (beer ad) from Romania vs. Budweiser (SUPERBOWL) Ad from US

This is an International Beer Ad from Romania...

1st caption translates: A good beer shouldn't be drunk in moderation.
2ed caption translates: Friends know why.

Likes &/or Dislikes:

I thought this ad was hilarious. The expressions on the man’s face and his reaction to his situation as it “unfolds”…. very funny!

It’s a “believable” scenario: the man had too much to drink the night before and (in his case) he regrets it in the morning... I suppose this could also serve as an ad to drink responsibly.

Effectiveness of Ad:

It probably did very well in Romania. If this ad was aired in the US, eventhough a lot of people would have enjoyed it; there would probably be a "controversial" complaint against it. Especially since a large portion of the American population is considered overweight. So there would have been possible complaints and law suites against them.

Soft or Hard:

Soft Sale - plays off emotion. but it does have to do with drinking; to a certain an extent.

---------------------- VS. -------------------------

This is an American Budweiser Ad from a few superbowls ago...

Likes &/or Dislikes:

I like the ad. It has a cute “happy” feeling about it. The little colt wants to be like the older horses and pull the sleigh. N the older horses build up its confidence and dreams by “secretly” pushing the sleigh as the little one thinks he’s pulling it.

Effectiveness of Ad:

Although the ad doesn't have much to do with actually drinking Budweiser beer, we've all come to know the symbolism of the Clydesdale (the horses and the Budweiser sleigh) as a Budweiser brand. That is their personal branding technique. When we see these horses we automatically think Budweiser.
Does the ad want me to get up n grab a beer; not really. On my behalf, it’s not very affective; its cute though.

Soft or Hard:

Soft Sale - again it plays on emotion. Doesn't have to do with drinking beer at all.

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